Two of my mindulness-activism images won prizes in a local mural contest (“Justice Walls”) and will appear in town sometime this spring and summer. Ithaca is rich in murals with a message (www.ithacamurals.com), and I feel very honored.
Two of my mindulness-activism images won prizes in a local mural contest (“Justice Walls”) and will appear in town sometime this spring and summer. Ithaca is rich in murals with a message (www.ithacamurals.com), and I feel very honored.
When asked what Ithaca is most famous for, many people would answer “gorges”. And our gorges are indeed glorious and amazing natural works of art. But Ithaca also has gorgeous art that is human-made. The first Friday of every month,…
At Frog’s Way, we provide our guests with a comprehensive collection of resources for local activities, including maps and trail guides you can take with you during your visit. (We have nature trails, wine trails, cheese trails, beer trails, ale trails,…
Our neighbor, Graham O of Hands On Gourds, makes fantastic lamps and baskets and more out of gourds, and is frequently featured at the Winter Ithaca Farmers Market open from 11 to 2 on Saturdays, through March, in the beautifully…